
Gaming Table | Featured Image for Play Con 2024 - Grand Prize Blog by Play Con

Play Con 2024 – Grand Prize

We want to thank The Table Flippers for sponsoring Play Con please follow them on Facebook or check out their website. They make beautiful hardwood gaming tables! They are providing the **GRAND PRIZE** for Play Con 2024. limited 3 day passes available for Play Con 2024!

Playcon Shirt | Featured Image for the Play Con 2024 Exclusive Shirt Blog by Play Con

Play Con 2024 – Exclusive Shirt

We are very excited to announce that Wallace Designs and Platypus Industries will be attending Play Con showing off their latest designs and getting involved with some of the activities we have at the event. We also have Advent Games on site for all your board gaming purchases and needs. — feeling pumped.

Designer Alley

We are excited to announce Designer Alley! This will be a space at Play Con for local board game designers to show what they are working on. There will be an application process in the new year. For now share this news with friends that have board game designs and aspirations!

July Update!

We are EXCITED to announce we have a few more exhibitors joining Play Con 2024. Advent Games will be there with great board game deals! Joey Games showing us their latest designs. VR Distribution and Let’s Play Games Distribution demoing some of the latest games in the board game industry. We are also very grateful to have Garphill Games and Gameway – Board …

July Update! Read More »

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